wind farm sustainability

Carbon reduction

Translating and taking positive action to reduce or, wherever possible, eliminating our adverse impacts on climate change.

We recognise that the way we design, build and execute our projects has a carbon impact, and, critically, it is within our gift to reduce this impact through engineering excellence and working collaboratively to reduce operational carbon. 

Recognising and accepting that the choices we make today have consequences that will affect the stability of our future is key; now is the time to act. The challenge in front of us, however, is not insurmountable and it is important that we remain optimistic.  

Read the full Carbon Strategy for VolkerWessels UK
wind turbines

Reducing our emissions year on year

As part of our commitment to long-term protection of the natural environment, we initially aim to be Net Zero by 2035 for all Scope 1 and 2 emissions and for those Scope 3 emissions that are under our direct control, and ultimately Net Zero for all emissions by 2050 in line with UK Government strategy. Progress towards this carbon reduction target will be externally verified to ensure credibility and transparency. 

To support this, we are a signatory of the Science Based Targets Initiative ‘Business Ambition to 1.5°C’, confirming that we have committed to setting a science-based target that is in line with a 1.5°C future. 

Electric car

Increasing the number of electric and hybrid company cars 

It is our aim to increase the percentage of electric and hybrid company cars on our fleet every year. Currently, 84% of our company car fleet and 90% of new company car orders are electric or hybrid. This is industry leading. 


Increasing our use of alternatively powered plant and equipment on our sites 

Our aim is to use alternatively powered plant and equipment where this meets our operational needs. 



Our award-winning ‘People-Planet-Purpose’ sustainability framework unlocks our desire to take bold action to balance the needs of the environment and society alongside our growth as a business. We are making a commitment that 2020-2030 will be our ‘Decade of Action’.