
Essoldo House project team celebrates topping out

VolkerFitzpatrick’s building division hosted a topping out ceremony on 31 May, as construction of the new multi-use Essoldo House in Chelsea, reached its highest point.


The ceremony was attended by clients Howard Raymond and Mark Quinn from Raymond Estates, project architect Nick Shipp and senior members of the project team, including operations manager Keith Miller and divisional managing director Stuart Deverill.

A great deal of progress has been made on the project, in the 15 weeks since the team celebrated completion of the basement and ground floor concrete. An additional 2,600m3 of concrete has been poured and 400 tonnes of reinforcement steel has been constructed, bringing the structure to its full four-story height.

After a few words from Nick Shipp and VolkerFitzpatrick project manager Luke Hirst, Howard Raymond completed the ceremony by signing his name on one of the structure’s steel beams.  

Luke Hirst, project manager for VolkerFitzpatrick, said: “I’d like to thank the team for all their hard work in getting us to this point in the project. The positive, collaborative attitudes and efficient working both in our offices and on-site have allowed us to make steady progress towards this key project milestone.”

Mark Quinn, CEO, Raymond Estates Limited, said: “I must say I think you and the team are doing an amazing job and it’s hard to believe the speed of progress since we celebrated completing the basement and ground floor concrete in February. Well done.”