
Partnering with Raleigh International on overseas development challenge

As part of VolkerFitzpatrick’s focus on sustainability, the business is delighted to once again partner with sustainable development charity Raleigh International on another exciting overseas development challenge for young volunteers.


This summer, VolkerFitzpatrick’s Max Danby, Alvaro Elvira and Hayden Scarth will work with one indigenous community in Costa Rica, to construct a school for the benefit of 20 children and 75 other indirect beneficiaries (community members). The volunteers will also work closely with the community to raise awareness on resilience to economic, social and environmental changes.

Indigenous populations in Costa Rica are the most marginalised members of society and are commonly the poorest. Education and literacy levels are also much lower compared to the national average. Poor school infrastructure further exacerbates an already dire situation.


The project will also build the capacity of a Schools-Parents Association, consisting of teachers and parents, so that it is able to govern, manage and maintain school infrastructure effectively, helping to sustain access to education for children and young people in the community for future generations.

As well as helping a community in need, VolkerFitzpatrick is keen to support and encourage their volunteers to challenge themselves, develop their skills and gain valuable life experience.

Whilst in Costa Rica, Max, Alvaro and Hayden will also take part in a six-day trek. With support from their volunteer project managers, they will navigate a varied terrain, setting up camp each night and taking turns to cook for the group. Some nights will be spent within the local community and others will be out in the wilderness.

During both the project and the trek, each person will take turns to act as group leader for the day, developing their confidence, leadership, teamwork and decision-making skills.

VolkerFitzpatrick volunteer Alvaro, said: “I wanted to volunteer for this expedition because it is an opportunity to challenge myself in new environments and make a positive impact on a community in need. I think that getting out of my comfort zone and helping these people to access education will not only make a difference to their lives but also help me to grow as a person.”

Jonathan Suckling, commercial director for VolkerFitzpatrick, said: “I am delighted that we are able to support Raleigh International on an overseas development challenge for the third time in five years and we have now supported projects in Borneo, Tanzania and Costa Rica. The experience gained by the volunteers will be invaluable for their professional and personal development and I am sure that Max, Alvaro and Hayden will be great ambassadors for both Raleigh International and VolkerFitzpatrick.”

If you would like to support Max, Alvaro and Hayden’s expeditions, please click the links below to visit their ‘Just Giving’ pages:

Go to Max’s Just Giving page
Go to Alvaro’s Just Giving page
Go to Hayden’s Just Giving page