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Charity, Volunteering and Community Engagement

Our work affects people lives – the areas they live, work and play in, and it is our goal to ensure this is done is a positive way. We engage proactively with charity and community partners, based on the needs of the local area, to provide financial, professional and manual support. 


Employee volunteering

All our employees receive one day per year to take part in volunteering activities. We work closely with charity and community partners to identify a variety of volunteering opportunities, and showcase these through our Thrive volunteering portal for employees to sign up to. We are committed to a year-on-year increase in the number of hours spent volunteering in the local community. 

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Recognising the benefits of volunteering

The benefits of volunteering are well known, so we want as many of our employees as possible to get involved. For our employees, it is proven to build confidence and instil a feeling of giving back, as well as creating the opportunity to learn new skills which, in turn, positively impacts us as an organisation. The community projects and charities we support also benefit from our employees’ time and skills - a triple win! 

"Volunteering embodies the joy of giving back, infusing purpose into our lives, and fostering the connections that bind us together with the local community. Through volunteering, I find fulfilment in being part of something greater, where each action echoes a shared commitment to kindness and empathy."

Rodrigo Almeida Stakeholder and Social Value Coordinator VF Sustainability

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Our award-winning ‘People-Planet-Purpose’ sustainability framework unlocks our desire to take bold action to balance the needs of the environment and society alongside our growth as a business. We are making a commitment that 2020-2030 will be our ‘Decade of Action’.