VolkerGround Engineering at Ancoats
VolkerGround Engineering has recently completed a job for a valued client in Manchester where they are developing a new residential apartment block in Ancoats, a busy commercial area of Manchester bound by car parks, hotels and business premises.

Our scope of works included the design and construction of 133, 450mm diameter bearing piles up to 23m long and 65, 600mm diameter contiguous piles up to 12m long, penetrating into the underlying sandstone where loads dictated.
Air injection was used to assist the boring into the sandstone, keeping the auger free from debris and enabling the team to drill more efficiently, increasing productivity for the installation with our Soilmec SR75 piling rig.
Piling adjacent to a listed office building, the team undertook vibration monitoring to ensure the works were not impactful to the existing structure. On this heavily constrained site, the piles were extremely concentrated and required careful phasing to ensure freshly cast piles were not damaged throughout construction.
A high standard of measures ensured the safety of the site teams, resulting in an accident and incident free delivery.