Electric vehicle charge point

Electric vehicle charge points

VolkerSmart Technologies is a leading UK installer and maintainer of commercial and on-street EV charging points for public and private sector clients.

Trojan Energy - Plugged in at night

Image credit:  Trojan Energy

A full turnkey solution, including ongoing maintenance

We offer an integrated project management and a seamless solution for sourcing, installing, and maintaining EV infrastructure, which is optimised to meet individual client requirements.

VolkerSmart Technologies work with premium manufacturers and specialists, to bring our clients the latest technology, best value for money and optimal, high-quality installations. We are practiced in delivering commercial EV infrastructure in complex, live environments.

Read about our latest projects Read more about VolkerSmart Technologies

Our accreditations

  • Highways Electrical Association (HEA) and Highway Electrical Registration Scheme (HERS)

    HERS Gold
  • NICEIC approved contractor

  • NERS member


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